The Battle of Arnhem takes centre stage in thirty paintings by Albert Ziëck

Artist Albert Ziëck has created thirty paintings especially for eighty years of Airborne. The works of art will be sold and donated to charities from June 1. They can also be seen during the Airborne walking tour in September.

The initiative for Miraculous Projects was taken by entrepreneurs Ruud Knol and Hans de Kraaij. “We were looking for a great project that could bring young and old together,” Knol explains. “We quickly came across art and then we approached Albert Ziëck.”

It was a great honor for Ziëck to create these thirty paintings. For inspiration, he completely immersed himself in the stories of the Airborne. “I walked for hours through the Airborne cemetery,” says the Renkum artist. “There are boys of 18 years old. They gave their lives for us, you can only respect that.”

Read the full article on the RTVConnect website.